Your Complete Prop Trading Resource Guide
Welcome to our education and resources page dedicated to pro trading! Here, you'll discover a wealth of information carefully curated by our team. We have personally used and found helpful all the resources available on this page. You'll find a comprehensive library of YouTube videos covering various aspects of trading, offering valuable insights and strategies and helpful resources that will help you with your day to day trading. Additionally, we provide excellent suggestions for learning sources such as courses and informative websites, ensuring that you have access to the most reliable and up-to-date information in the trading world. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, this page is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in the realm of professional trading.
Our top Video Picks for
Trading Psychology and Mindset
In Prop Trading, learning and cultivating a strong mindset can make the world of difference.
As you navigate your trading career, you most probably have already discovered how much of an emotional rollercoaster trading can be! Your emotions can lead you to impulsive deicisions, cognitive biases, and the fear of taking risks.
Plus, losses can massively take a toll on your confidence, and the fast-paced, high-pressure nature of the industry can induce at times, a lot of stress and uncertainty.
...But, we have found that by focusing on mindset development, we have been able to better overcome many of these obstacles
To aid you in your own journey, here are a few of our favourite videos on psychology and mindset that have been useful to us. We hope they will be for you too!
Our top Video Picks for
Trading Strategy
Here is a compilation of fantastic YouTubers from who we've learned so much from. Their content is absolutely worth checking out. We hope you find them as useful and as enjoyable as we have!
We have only linked to one video of each, however most of these channels have hours and hours of great content, Enjoy!